Header Sofas


Complete your luxury livingroom look with cozy sofas from Avenue Design. Treat yourself and discover our hand-picked designer living room furniture and accessories. Need help? Discover our Interior design & shopping service, or visit our Montreal showroom.

  • Björn Sofa - Avenue Design high end furniture in Montreal

    Björn Sofa – Lyssa sand

  • Björn Sofa - Avenue Design high end furniture in Montreal

    Björn Sofa – Bouclé cream

  • Björn Round Sofa - Avenue Design high end furniture in Montreal

    Björn Round Sofa – Lyssa sand

  • Björn Round Sofa - Avenue Design high end furniture in Montreal

    Björn Round Sofa – Bouclé cream

  • Carbone Sofa - Avenue Design high end furniture in Montreal

    Carbone Sofa

  • Novelle Sofa - Avenue Design high end furniture in Montreal

    Novelle Sofa

  • Breva Sofa - Avenue Design high end furniture in Montreal

    Breva Sofa – Pavilion sand

  • Breva Sofa - Avenue Design high end furniture in Montreal

    Breva Sofa – Pavilion grey

  • Agostino Sofa - Avenue Design high end furniture in Montreal

    Agostino Sofa – Sea Green

  • Ditmar Sofa - Avenue Design high end furniture in Montreal

    Ditmar Sofa – Mademoiselle beige

  • Ditmar Sofa - Avenue Design high end furniture in Montreal

    Ditmar Sofa – Bouclé Cream

  • Roxy Sofa - Avenue Design Montreal

    Roxy Sofa

  • Kelly Sofa - Avenue Design Montreal

    Kelly Sofa – Bouclé Cream

  • Kelly Sofa - Avenue Design Montreal

    Kelly Sofa – Bouclé Black

  • Inger Sofa - Avenue Design Montreal

    Inger Sofa

  • Tondo Sofa

  • Corso Sofa

  • Brice Sofa - Avenue Design Montreal

    Brice Sofa

  • Dream Sofa - Avenue Design high end furniture in Montreal

    Dream Sofa

  • Laguna Sofa - Avenue Design high end furniture in Montreal

    Laguna Sofa

  • Odessa Sofa - Avenue Design high end furniture in Montreal

    Odessa Sofa

  • Donatello Sofa - Avenue Design high end furniture in Montreal

    Donatello Sofa

  • Urban Sofa - Avenue Design high end furniture in Montreal

    Urban Sofa

  • Liberty Sofa - Avenue Design high end furniture in Montreal

    Liberty Sofa

  • Parker Sofa - Avenue Design high end furniture in Montreal

    Parker Sofa

  • Dominique Sofa - Avenue Design high end furniture in Montreal

    Dominique Sofa

  • Monroe Sofa - Avenue Design high end furniture in Montreal

    Monroe Sofa

  • Arcadia Sofa - Avenue Design high end furniture in Montreal

    Arcadia Sofa

  • Holland Sofa - Avenue Design high end furniture in Montreal

    Holland Sofa

  • Haven Media Sofa - Avenue Design high end furniture in Montreal

    Haven Media Sofa

  • Sloane Sofa - Avenue Design high end furniture in Montreal

    Sloane Sofa

  • Fantasia Sofa - Avenue Design high end furniture in Montreal

    Fantasia Sofa

  • DaVinci Sofa - Avenue Design high end furniture in Montreal

    Da Vinci Sofa

  • Foster Sofa - Avenue Design high end furniture in Montreal

    Foster Sofa

  • Ceasar Sofa - Avenue Design high end furniture in Montreal

    Ceasar Sofa

  • Victor Sofa - Avenue Design high end furniture in Montreal

    Victor Sofa

  • Patrick Sofa - Avenue Design high end furniture in Montreal

    Patrick Sofa

  • Moxie Sofa - Avenue Design high end furniture in Montreal

    Moxie Sofa

  • Meridian Sofa - Avenue Design high end furniture in Montreal

    Meridian Sofa

  • Martha Sofa - Avenue Design high end furniture in Montreal

    Martha Sofa

  • Kingscross Sofa - Avenue Design high end furniture in Montreal

    Kingscross Sofa